Further to our previous updates about Samples requirement for Mobile phone, WLAN and Bluetooth. We would like to inform you additional samples requirement for submitting sample to SDPPI lab.
This is a new rule of testing samples for Mobile phone, WLAN, and Bluetooth technology. Please pay attention for following those new lab requirement before sending samples to DIMULTI to avoid any delays process.
Official statement letter has been release Yesterday, without any signed by officer but this new rule would be implemented by them starting next Monday March 23, 2015. Herewith the scanned copy of these new requirement. [Bahasa version]
Some important point in this requirement such as:
- If the testing samples has external antenna connector, so the applicant have to provide RF cable and it has to be connected and glued with sealant.
- If the testing samples has external antenna connector, so the applicant have to provide RF cable that soldered with internal antenna connector and please sealant it.
- RF cable has specification such as >1GHz or appropriate with frequency range from the testing samples it self and using SMA male or female
- etc..
We have translated this new requirement in English version inlcuding pictures illustration and feel free to download the new Testing Samples Requirement for Bluetooth, Mobile Phone, and Wlan at here. For detail information related to the samples do not hesitate to contact us or contact DIMULTI team directly.