The current regulation about operational provisions of telecommunication Devices Certification is Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 16 of 2018, or PERMEN KOMINFO NO 16 TAHUN 2018. After being exist for about 5 years, apparently this regulation is about to change. This can be seen from the issuance of new regulation regulation draft which is aimed to replace PERMEN KOMINFO NO 16 TAHUN 2018. What’s new from this regulation draft? You may check our explanation below.
Earlier this November, SDPPI issued official pers announcement number 459/HM/KOMINFO/11/2023. This pers announcement is to launch a public consultation concerning about regulation draft of Telecommunication equipment and/or telcommunication Devices Certification. Official announcement from SDPPI can be visited in this link, and the Indonesian version of this regulation can be visited in this link. Structurally, the regulation draft consists of several topics, which are devided into 12 chapters below:
- adjustment of technical standard terms for telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications devicest in accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation Number 46 of 2023 concerning Post, Telecommunications and Broadcasting;
- provisions regarding the issuance of certificates for telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications devices;
- provisions regarding changes to certificates for telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications devices;
- labels and warning signs on telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications devices;
- submission of data and information via the official website of the Directorate General of SDPPI and the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) system;
- telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunication devices certification fees;
- prohibited telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications equipment;
- supervision and control;
- administrative sanctions;
- other provisions;
- closing provisions; And
- Attachment to the label format and warning signs for telecommunications equipment and/or telecommunications equipment.
To get you more detailed infromation about this regulation draft of telecommunication Devices certification, below is the English translation. There may be error, wrong translation, or different interpretations in this English translation. So if you find one of those, feel free to contact us for further confirmation.
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Finally, that’s all we need to update. Should you have any questions regarding this regulation draft or inquiry about SDPPI certificates in general, feel free to drop us an email to: .Stay safe and, have a good day.