SNI Label Requirement

In regard to label, it should be discussed with inspector when doing inspection. This is because SNI has wide coverage of product that has different characteristic in terms of physical appearance. So, inspector will help to decide the better label size and placement. However, in general SNI Label Requirement should follow following provisions:

SNI Label Requirement
  • The dimension of SNI Label is based on the following scale
SNI label
SNI Labeling Scale
  • Each reduction or enlargement in size must be proportional and still following above scale
  • SNI label must be affixed directly to the product. But, if it is not possible either because the product size is too small or because of the product nature, in that case, the label can be affixed on the package.
  • In SNI Label requirement, label that is affixed on the product or packaging must be followed by SNI reference number that is used and the code of certification body underneath. Below is the example.
SNI Label with SNI reference number and CB code
SNI Label with SNI reference number and CB code
  • SNI mark must be affixed in a place that is visible and easily seen in such size, the information on SNI label needs to be readable as well.
  • After getting SNI certification, certificate holder must obtain Product Registration Number. It is called “NPB” for imported product or “NRP” for locally-manufactured product. NPB/NRP needs to be affixed, either underneath of SNI Logo or on other compliance label of the product. If we want to affix NPB/NRP underneath the SNI label, the format should follow following provisions.
SNI Label with SNI reference number, CB code and NPB/NRP
SNI Label with SNI reference number, CB code and NPB/NRP