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SNI Certification

Why should SNI Certification? The demand of certified products, or product that has complied with applied standard in the market, is getting higher. Not only that this offers quality, but the safety aspect also becomes concern.

That’s why having compliance label affixed on the product or somewhere on the packaging turns to be a must for manufacturer as it can be a huge selling point too.

SNI Certification Logo
SNI Certification Logo

It’s been on customers’ mind that compliance label is main consideration when doing purchase. Having compliance label means that the product has been standardized through several testings and compliance processes to ensure its quality and safety.

Thats’ why passing standard applied nationally within a country is like a golden ticket to enter the huge regional market of that country. Particularly in Indonesia, standard that fits into this description is National Standard of Indonesia, or commonly known as “SNI Certification”.

Quoted from National Standardization Agency (BSN) official website, National Standard of Indonesia (SNI Certification) is the only standard that has legal force that binds various products distributed in the territory of Republic Indonesia. This standard is also enforced nationally.

Formulation process of this standard is conducted by SNI Formulation Technical Committee, and then determined by BSN, and / or by the Related Ministry such as Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and other relevant ministries.

As stated above, SNI certification has very wide scope. It is even regulated by multiple ministries, meaning that the scope is not limited to one sector only. It is applied in agriculture, in medical, in automotive,industrial, IT, construction, management system, health, and in many other sectors. And this scope is getting bigger and bigger by time, as the demand of certified product is raising.

To answer this market demand, at PT. Dimulti Pilar Narmadi we offer fast and reliable services to obtain SNI certification. We welcome manufacturer, importer, distributor, brand holder, and other business entities to cooperate together in certifying their product based on applied SNI standard.

We will analyze your inquiry, deciding which SNI certification body (CB) to use as well as giving assistance during the compliance process until the actual certificate is issued. So, should you have any inquiry about SNI certification, please be free to contact our contact windows.