Regarding the validity of Indonesia SDPPI Type Approval Certification, it’s mentioned on article 18 of Communication and Informatics Ministry Regulation Number 3 year of 2024. The regulation says:
Article 18
- The certificate as intended in Article 15 is not limited in time.
- The Certificate Holder may manufacture, assemble, or import Telecommunications tools and/or telecommunications devices for trading and/or use in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia no later than 3 (three) years after the Certificate as intended in paragraph (1) is issued.
- In the event that the Certificate Holder will manufacture, assemble or import Telecommunications tools and/or telecommunications devices for trading and/or use in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia after the deadline as intended in paragraph (2), it is obligated to comply with the Technical Standards based on the results Tested and proven with a new certificate.
Referring to the article of regulation above, it can be concluded that: if after three years of certificate issuance the products are still manufactured, assembled, imported, or traded in and to the territory of Republic of Indonesia for being traded and/or used, then applicant needs to re-certify the product again.
In this recertification process, there’s possibility that we can use test reports from the initial certification process. However, we need to check whether the technical regulation referred in the previous test reports is still valid/applicable or not. If yes, then we can use the report for recertification process. Otherwise, we need to do test again based on the valid/applicable regulation.
Re-certification process will be treated as new application in SDPPI, not renewal. Although it sounds similar, but unlike renewal, the certificate number issued after re-certification process will be different from the first certificate number issued in the initial certification process. Therefore, as consequence, after recertified certificate issuance date, applicant needs to modify the label to be complied with the newest certificate number.
But, this label modification doesn’t have to be conducted on all products. Only product that’s still in the production line and not yet imported to Indonesia that needs to change the label. While for product that’s already imported to Indonesia, stored in Indonesian warehouse, or distributed in Indonesian market, these don’t need to update the label because these are allowed to use the existing SDPPI label from the initial certification process.