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IndonesiaAre you problem solver?

At this time DIMULTI have been specifically designed to support manufacturers, test laboratories and other consultants who are seeking type approval certificates for telecommunications equipment and other ITE in Indonesia.

Dimulti is expanding and would like to invite qualified and dynamic individuals to join us.

We are working together to support our client products for Indonesian market.


  • Disiplin, jujur, tegas dan tanggung jawab tinggi
  • Pendidikan minimal S1/sederajat
  • Pria, Usia minimal 23 tahun dan maksimal 30 tahun
  • Wajib bisa bahasa inggris (lisan / tertulis) memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Wajib bisa mengoperasionalkan komputer,MS Office dan familiar dengan email dan internet
  • Bisa bekerja secara team

Could you be the next new member of our team?

Contact us Today