Regulation Draft: Domestic And Overseas Laboratory Designation for the Purpose Of Telecommunication Devices Certification

Eko Prasetyo

Domestic And Overseas Laboratory Designation for the Purpose Of Telecommunication Devices Certification
Domestic And Overseas Laboratory Designation for the Purpose Of Telecommunication Devices Certification

Unilateral laboratory designation by the Minister of Communication and Informatics of Indonesia (KOMINFO) toward overseas testing laboratories to accept their test reports for the purpose of telecommunication devices certification has been practiced for the past few years. With this one-side recognition being on practice, KOMINFO through SDPPI, one of its Directorate Generals, has effectively reduced long queue in the certification process that might happen if they only accept certificate applications through local testing route. But, the thing that’s considered problematic for some parties regarding this one-side lab recognition is because this unillateral recognition is only granted to a list of certain test labs without any chance of expanding the list. This means that the laboratories that are not recognized by SDPPI can not apply to be included in that “recognized-laboratories” list. As a result, their test report is not accepted for telecommunication devices certification process.

This situation has been a debate for quite long time because many laboratories wanted to be “recognized” by KOMINFO/SDPPI, especially to secure their businesses. But, there is no application opened for laboratory designation, making these labs facing a dead end. However, in the early November SDPPI issued a regulation draft which can be a good news. This regulation draft specifically talks about Domestic And Overseas Laboratory Designation for the Purpose Of Telecommunication Devices Certification, and was issued for public consultation session to get feedback from the public. Not only for the overseas test lab, but this regulation draft also regulates laboratory designation for local testing labs.

Although the public consultations has ended, there are several things from tjis regulation draft to put into account. As explained in KOMINFO’s pers publication NO. 445/HM/KOMINFO/11/2023, some important points discussed in this new regulation drafts are:

  1. Testing of Telecommunications Equipment and/or Telecommunications devices is carried out by test laboratories designated as Domestic Test Centers and Overseas Test Centers;
  2. Domestic Test Center:
    • Application for Determination of a Domestic Testing Center;
    • Evaluation of the Application for Determination of a Domestic Testing Center;
    • Term of Determination of the Domestic Testing Center;
    • Scope Addition of Determining Domestic Testing Centers; And
    • Obligations of Domestic Test Centers.
  3. Overseas Test Center:
    • Determination of Overseas Test Centers carried out through Non-MRA;
    • Determination of Overseas Test Centers carried out by MRA; And
    • Obligations of Overseas Test Centers.
  4. Supervision and control of Overseas Testing Centers and Domestic Testing Centers which are carried out routinely and incidentally; And
  5. Revoke Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 15 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for Implementing the Determination of Domestic Test Centers and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 16 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for Implementing the Recognition of Foreign Test Centers.

For those who want to get the original PDF document from this laboratory designation regulation draft, you can go into this link. While for the English translation, ypu can access the document below.

In the translated document above, there may be error, wrong translation, or different interpretations in this English translation. So if you find one of those, feel free to contact us for further confirmation. And also, please be noted that this regulation is still “draft” and not active yet. So, application to be “designated testing lab” is still not opened by SDPPI yet. And provision changes is possible in the final version of the regulation.

Finally, that’s all we need to update regarding SDPPI plan to open laboratory designation application. Should you have any questions regarding this regulation draft or inquiry about SDPPI certificates in general, feel free to drop us an email to: or to our contact window who’s already in communication with you.

Best Regards!

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