Kepmen Kominfo No 601 Tahun 2023 was just issued by the Ministery of Communication and Informatics of the Republic Of Indonesia (Kominfo) on December 18th 2023. This new regulation concerns about technical standards of antenna telecommunication equipment.
Previously, the draft of this regulation was already published for public consultations, and we have posted it in our blogpost too (you can check it in this link). Not long after the draft version was published, now the formal official regulation is also published. And for your infromation, the regulation came into force right in its publication/stipulation date, which is December 18th 2023.
Talking further about this new regulation, especially regarding the conformity requirements, there is not much difference between the draft and final versions of Kepmen Kominfo No 601 Tahun 2023. The final regulation still limits the type of antenna telecommunication device regulated in this regulation into:
- Base station antenna based on international mobile telecommunication technology standards;
- Microwave link antenna;
- Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) antenna; And
- Broadband wireless access antenna;
While for the Technical standards or Testing Parameters controlled in thin Kepmen Kominfo No 601 Tahun 2023, are:
- Operating frequency;
- Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR); And
- Gain
For more detailed information regarding the conformity requirements of antenna devices, herewith we enclosed the original regulation issued by Kominfo. Technical requirements are on page 7-9 of the PDF file, not document page.
Original source of the regulation: SDPPI’s official publication in this link.
And for those who speak English, here is the English translation for better understanding:
Please be infromed that in the translated document above, there may be error, wrong translation, or different interpretations in this English translation. So if you find one of those, feel free to contact us for further confirmation.
Finally, that’s all we need to update regarding the issuance of Kepmen Kominfo No 601 Tahun 2023 (technical standard of Antenna Telecommunication Devices). Should you have any questions regarding this regulation or inquiry about SDPPI certificates in general, feel free to drop us an email to: or to our contact window who’s already in communication with you.
Best Regards!