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2020 Year-end Holidays Announcement

To all Valued Customers and Friends,

Good day! 2020 is indeed a rough year for everyone, but we hope this announcement still finds you in a good health.

As we’re approaching the end of 2020, there are several things we’d like to announce. But firstly, we would like to say thank for all your support and trust given to us during this year.

Time flies so fast, and we’ve coped with this difficult times for almost one year. Even though 2020 is not closed in the way we all expected due to the pandemic situation, but we’re still grateful for the opportunities we had so far. Many lessons have been learned during the year, and new habits have been applied. Hope that next year we can create better opportunities in a better situation too.

Furthermore, we’d like to inform about national holiday that will come within this December. After having long speculations, finally authority has decided to shortened the end-year holiday to minimize the spread of Covid-19. So, based on the current policy, this December we’re going to have national holiday on:

  1. December 9th 2020; for public election [Based on Presidential Decree Number 22 of 2020].
  2. December 24th – 25th 2020; 2020 Christmas Holiday
  3. December 31st 2020 and January 1st 2021; Collective leave and 2021 new year’s celebration.

During this holiday time, your emails, messages, or phone calls may not be answered. We’re certainly answer them again soon as we get back to the office. And for those who are based in Indonesia and will participate in public election tomorrow, we keep reminding you to follow strict health protocols to prevent the spread of infections.

That’s all we need to announce. Hope you have a happy new year and let’s welcome 2021 happily, with a big optimism that next year will be better than this year. Should you have any concerns about this, feel free to contact our contact windows.

Best Regards.